The World Federation One Stop Fiqh

Ruling 2666

If a person vows to do – or refrain from doing – something permissible (mubāḥ), in the event that doing it and refraining from doing it are legally (sharʿan) the same from all aspects, his vow is not valid. However, if doing it is legally better from some aspect and a person makes a vow intending that aspect – for example, he vows to eat something that would give him the strength to worship (ʿibādah) – his vow is valid. Similarly, if refraining from doing it is legally better from some aspect and a person makes a vow to refrain from doing that thing and intends that aspect – for example, he vows to refrain from smoking as it is harmful and an obstacle to performing religious duties in the best way – his vow is valid. However, if refraining from smoking becomes harmful for him, his vow becomes invalid.