The World Federation One Stop Fiqh

Ruling 2416

A Muslim woman cannot marry a man who is a disbeliever (kāfir), be it in a permanent marriage or a temporary one. It makes no difference whether the man is from among the People of the Book (ahl al‑kitāb)7 or not. A Muslim man cannot marry women who are disbelievers other than those from among the People of the Book. However, there is no problem if a Muslim man contracts a temporary marriage with Jewish or Christian women but, based on obligatory precaution, he must not contract a permanent marriage with them. As for Zoroastrian women, based on obligatory precaution, a Muslim man must not contract marriage with them, not even a temporary one.
A man who has a Muslim wife cannot contract marriage with women who are from among the People of the Book without his wife’s permission; rather, even with her permission, it is not permitted (jāʾiz) for him to marry them. As for those who consider themselves Muslims but are subject to the rules applicable to disbelievers, such as nawāṣib8, a Muslim man or woman cannot marry them in a permanent or temporary marriage. The same applies to marrying an apostate (murtadd).

7 As mentioned in Ruling 103, the ‘People of the Book’ are Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians.

8 In Ruling 103, nawāṣib (pl. of nāṣibī) are defined as ‘those who show enmity towards the Imams (ʿA)’.