The World Federation One Stop Fiqh

Ruling 1154

If during prayers one doubts whether or not he performed a certain obligatory act of the prayer – for example, he doubts whether or not he recited Sūrat al-Ḥamd – then, in the event that he has started to perform an act that he must not legally (sharʿan) perform if he intentionally misses that previous act – for example, while reciting the other surah he doubts whether or not he recited Sūrat al-Ḥamd – in such a case, he must dismiss his doubt;46 otherwise [i.e. if he has not started to perform the other act], he must perform the act about which he doubts.

46 In normal circumstances, if one intentionally does not recite Sūrat al‑Ḥamd, he is not permitted to recite the other surah. However, in a situation where one has not missed Sūrat al‑Ḥamd intentionally and while he is saying the other surah he doubts whether or not he recited Sūrat al‑Ḥamd, he must dismiss his doubt.