The World Federation One Stop Fiqh

Ruling 92

If there is a probability that some meat, fat, or hide has come from an animal that has been killed according to Islamic law, it is pure. However, if it is obtained from a disbeliever or from a Muslim who obtained it from a disbeliever without investigating whether or not it was from an animal that was killed according to Islamic law, then the meat or fat is unlawful to eat but performing prayers with the hide is permitted (jāʾiz). If it is obtained from a Muslim market or a Muslim but it is not known whether or not he obtained it from a disbeliever, or there is a probability that he has investigated even though he obtained it from a disbeliever, then in all of these cases, eating the meat or fat is permitted on condition that the Muslim had right of disposal over it that is particular to lawful meat, such as selling it for eating.