The World Federation One Stop Fiqh

Ruling 834

In three cases – the details of which will follow afterwards – if the body or clothing of someone performing prayers is impure, his prayers are valid:

  1. If due to a wound, sore, or boil on his body the clothing or his body has become impure with blood;
  2. If the amount of blood that has made his body or clothing impure is less than the area covered by a dirham. Based on obligatory precaution, a dirham is equal to the size of the upper joint of the thumb;
  3. If he is compelled to perform prayers with an impure body or clothing.

In one case, [despite not falling under any of the three cases above,] if the clothing of someone performing prayers is impure, his prayers are valid, and that is when his small items of clothing – such as his socks and cap – are impure.

The laws (aḥkām) of these four situations will be explained in detail in the following rulings.