The World Federation One Stop Fiqh

Ruling 820*

If a man does not know the previous ruling, or he does not know that his ring or clothing is made from gold, or he forgets or doubts [that it is made from gold], and he performs prayers with it, his prayers are valid. However, if he was culpably ignorant (al‑jāhil al‑muqaṣṣir)23 about the ruling, his prayers are invalid and he must perform them again.

23‘Culpably ignorant’ is a term used to refer to someone who does not have a valid excuse for not knowing; for example, he was careless in learning religious laws.

  • Commentary

    This ruling changed in March 2022. The previous version of the ruling was as follows:

    “If a man does not know, forgets, or has a doubt that his ring or clothing is made from gold and he performs prayers with it, his prayers are valid.”