The World Federation One Stop Fiqh

Ruling 81

The urine and faeces of a human being and every animal whose meat is unlawful to eat and whose blood gushes out – meaning that if its jugular vein is cut, blood runs out with a gush – is impure. The faeces of an animal whose meat is unlawful but whose blood does not gush out, like fish that are unlawful to eat, as well as the droppings of small animals, like mosquitoes and flies that do not have flesh, are pure. Furthermore, the urine of an animal whose meat is unlawful and whose blood does not gush out must be avoided11 [i.e. it is ruled to be impure], based on obligatory precaution.

11 The term ‘avoided’ (ijtināb) here means it cannot be used for anything that is conditional on being pure, such as eating, drinking, and wuḍūʾ.