The World Federation One Stop Fiqh

Ruling 403*

If a mustaḥāḍah is able to examine herself but starts performing prayers without examining herself, then in the event that she had the intention of attaining proximity to Allah and acted in accordance with her duty – for example, her istiḥāḍah was slight and she acted according to the rules of someone who has slight istiḥāḍah – then in such a case, her prayers are valid. However, if she did not have the intention of attaining proximity to Allah or her actions were not according to her duty – for example, her istiḥāḍah was excessive but she acted according to the rules of someone who has slight istiḥāḍah – then her prayers are void.

  • Commentary

    This ruling changed in March 2022. The previous version of the ruling was as follows:

    “If a mustaḥāḍah starts performing prayers without examining herself, in the event that she had the intention of attaining proximity to Allah and acted in accordance with her duty – for example, her istiḥāḍah was slight and she acted in accordance with the rules of someone who has slight istiḥāḍah – then in such a case, her prayers are valid. However, if she did not have the intention of attaining proximity to Allah or her actions were not in accordance with her duty – for example, her istiḥāḍah was medium but she acted in accordance with the rules of someone who has slight istiḥāḍah – then her prayers are void.”