The World Federation One Stop Fiqh

Ruling 384

If while one is performing ghusl he has a minor occurrence (al‐ḥadath al‐aṣghar)41 – for example, he urinates – it is not necessary for him to stop performing the ghusl and start another ghusl [all over again]; rather, he can complete his ghusl but based on obligatory precaution, he will require wuḍūʾ [for performing acts that require wuḍūʾ. However, if [one has a minor occurrence while performing a sequential ghusl and] he changes from performing a sequential ghusl to an immersive one, or [if one has a minor occurrence while performing an immersive ghusl and he changes from performing] an immersive ghusl to a sequential one, then it is not necessary for him also to perform wuḍūʾ.

41 Ḥadath (literally, ‘occurrence’) is a term used in Islamic law to refer to something that invalidates wuḍūʾ; it can be of two types: al‐ḥadath al‐aṣghar(minor occurrence) and al‐ḥadath al‐akbar(major occurrence). A minor occurrence is something that requires one to perform wuḍūʾ in order to engage in an act of worship that requires wuḍūʾ, such as prayers. These things are: urinating, defecating, passing wind, sleeping, things that cause one to lose his mind (such as insanity, intoxication, and unconsciousness), and slight irregular blood discharge (al‐istiḥāḍah al‐qalīlah). As for a major occurrence, this is something that requires one to perform ghusl in order to perform an act of worship that requires wuḍūʾ; under this category come the following: ritual impurity (janābah), menstruation (ḥayḍ), lochia (nifās), medium and excessive irregular blood discharge (al‐istiḥāḍah al‐mutawassiṭah and al‐kathīrah, and touching a corpse (mass al‐mayyit).