The World Federation One Stop Fiqh

Ruling 2417

If a person fornicates with a woman who is observing the ʿiddah of a revocable divorce, then based on obligatory precaution, that woman becomes unlawful for him [to marry]. However, if a person fornicates with a woman who is observing the ʿiddah of a temporary marriage, the ʿiddah of an irrevocable divorce, the ʿiddah of a widow (wafāt), or the ʿiddah of intercourse that has ensued from a mistake (waṭʾ al‑shubhah), then in all of these cases, he can marry her afterwards. The meaning of ‘revocable divorce’, ‘irrevocable divorce’, ‘ʿiddah of a temporary marriage’, ‘ʿiddah of a widow’, and ‘ʿiddah of intercourse that has ensued from a mistake’ will be explained in the laws on divorce.