The World Federation One Stop Fiqh

Ruling 1717

It is recommended for five types of people – even if they are not fasting – to abstain from things that invalidate a fast in the month of Ramadan:

  1. a traveller who has done something that invalidates a fast and who reaches his home town or a place where he intends to stay for ten days before ẓuhr;
  2. a traveller who after ẓuhr reaches his home town or a place where he intends to stay for ten days;
  3. a sick person who gets better after ẓuhr; similarly, if he gets better before ẓuhr and has done something that invalidates a fast. In case he has not done anything that invalidates a fast, then based on obligatory precaution he must fast on that day;
  4. a woman whose ḥayḍ or nifās stops during the day;
  5. a disbeliever who becomes a Muslim and who had done something that invalidates a fast before becoming a Muslim.