The World Federation One Stop Fiqh

Ruling 1601

If a junub on a night of the month of Ramadan goes to sleep, wakes up, and is certain or deems it probable that if he sleeps again he will wake up before the time of ṣubḥ prayers, and he decides that he will perform ghusl after waking up, then in the event that he goes to sleep again but does not wake up until the time of ṣubḥ prayers, he must keep a qaḍāʾ fast for the fast of that day. Furthermore, if he wakes up from the second sleep and goes back to sleep for a third time but does not wake up until the time of ṣubḥ prayers, he must keep a qaḍāʾ fast for the fast of that day; and based on recommended precaution, he should also give kaffārah.