The World Federation One Stop Fiqh

Ruling 1112

Twelve things invalidate prayers. These twelve things are called the ‘mubṭilāt’ of prayers.

First: during prayers, one of the required conditions is no longer fulfilled. For example, during prayers one realises that his clothes are impure.
Second: during prayers, one intentionally, inadvertently, or due to helplessness, does something that invalidates wuḍūʾʾ or ghusl. For example, he urinates, even if – based on obligatory precaution – this happens inadvertently or due to helplessness after completing the last sajdah of the prayer. However, if one cannot prevent the discharge of urine and faeces, and during prayers urine or faeces is discharged from his body, then in the event that he acts according to the instructions mentioned in the section on wuḍūʾ, his prayer does not become invalid. Similarly, if during prayers, blood is discharged from a woman experiencing an irregular blood discharge (istiḥāḍah), in the event that she has acted according to the instructions concerning irregular blood discharge, her prayer is valid.