The World Federation One Stop Fiqh

30- Sacrificing an animal at Mina

This is the fifth obligation in Hajj-ut-Tamatu’. It is necessary to set one’s mind on performing this act of worship in the hope of attaining closeness to Allah (Niyyah of alqurbah). The sacrifice must be offered during the day, unless one is afraid of doing so for a valid reason, in which case it may be made at night.

As a matter of precaution, it is obligatory that it be offered after rami; if, however, one does so before rami, because he forgot or did not know the rule, it is still valid and should not be repeated. It is obligatory that the offering be made at Mina. If it is not possible, because of the rush, and because Mina is not capable of accommodating the multitudes of pilgrims, it could be made at Wadi Muhassar. If, by delaying the sacrifice, it becomes possible for the pilgrim to offer the hady in Mina, he may delay it up to the 13th of Thil Hijjah, as a matter of precaution.

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  • 399

    It is not necessary that the animal, whether intended for hady or kaffarah, be slaughtered by the pilgrim directly. It is also permissible to authorize another person to do so. In such a case, the agent must make …

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  • 400

    The actual division of the one third of the sadaqah, as well as that of the gift is of no consequence. What is of consequence, though, is the acquisition by the intended recipient. In that, it suffices, if …

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  • 401

    The recipient of the portion of sadaqah or gift is free to dispose of it as he pleases, so much so that there is no objection to his giving it to non-Muslims.

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  • 402

    If the carcass of the hady was stolen or forcibly snatched before distributing the meat by way of charity (sadaqah) or gift, it goes without saying that the owner should not stand to compensate the hady. However, if …

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  • 389

    If a sound animal is purchased for Hajj-ut-Tamatu’ but after the purchase it, for any reason, becomes sick, or deformed, slaughtering it is arguable (ishkal). The pilgrim should, as a matter of precaution, sacrifice it as well; if …

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  • 390

    After the purchase of an animal for sacrifice, it may get lost. It may not be known that someone else had offered a sacrifice on the pilgrim’s behalf. Another one should be purchased. However, if before the second …

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  • 391

    If a person finds a stray animal, knowing that it was hady, he should, as a matter of precaution, look for its owner till the afternoon of the 12th day of Thil Hijjah. If he fails in his …

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  • 392

    If an animal cannot be found in time and the pilgrim has the cash ready, he should, as a matter of precaution, deposit it with a reliable person to purchase and slaughter an animal on his behalf before …

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  • 393

    If an animal cannot be found and the cash is not available, the pilgrim must, instead, observe fast for ten days – the seventh, eighth and ninth of Thil Hijjah; the remaining seven days on returning home, as …

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  • 394

    If the person, obligated to keep the three-day fast, cannot observe a fast on the seventh of Thil Hijjah, he should keep the two on the eighth and ninth of the month, and the third on his return …

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