The World Federation One Stop Fiqh

Ritual 163

It has been said that in dissimulation, it is permitted to wear ihram secretly before Thati Irq without removing all clothes. On getting there, the clothes may be removed and ihram worn without incurring any kaffarah (penalty). However, this opinion is not free from ishkal.

3. Johfa which is the Meqat for the people of Syria, Egypt and the West and those who pass from there if they have not worn ihram earlier at Thul Hulaifa either with or without excuse.

4. Yalamlam which is the Meqat for the people of Yemen and those who pass from there. It is the name of a mountain.

5. Qarn-ul-Manaazil which is the Meqat for the people of Ta’if and all those who pass through that route.

Insofar as the last four Meqats, i.e. numbers (2) to (5) are concerned, the Meqats are not confined to the mosques only. but all that which comes under the banner of these places is so considered. If the pilgrim is unable to specify the exact place, he can wear ihram by making a vow (nadhr) before reaching the Meqat.

6. The proximity of any of the above quoted Meqats: If a person takes a route which does not cross any of the said Meqats, he must wear ihram from any place which is parallel to the Meqat, that is to say, a place at which, when he faces the Holy Ka’ba, one of the Meqats would be to his right or left, and when he proceeds from that point to Makkah, the Meqat would be behind him.

It is sufficient to use common sense to determine if one has reached such point; it is not necessary to take exact measurements. If a person takes a route on which he reaches a place which becomes parallel to two Meqats , it, as a matter of preferential precaution, is recommended that he should wear ihram on reaching the first of such two places.

7. Makkah which is the Meqat for Hajj-ut-Tamatu’, as well as Hajj-ul-Qiraan and Ifraad for the residents of Makkah, and its neighbourhood – irrespective of whether or not their obligation shifted to that of the residents of Makkah – as they are not required to proceed to the rest of the Meqats. However, it is preferable for all, except women, to proceed to some other Meqats, such as Ja’ranah to wear their ihram.

As a matter of precaution, one should wear ihram at a place within the area considered as part of the ancient Makkah at the time of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), although it is permissible to wear it at one of the new places recently built, except those which would fall outside the Haram.

8. The pilgrim’s home is the Meqat for those who are nearer to Makkah than the Meqat as it is permissible for them to wear ihram from their homes and are not obliged to return to a Meqat .

9. Adnal Hil like Hudaybiyyah, Ja’ranah, or Tan’eem: It is the Meqat for Umrat-ul-Mufradah after the Hajj-ul-Qiraan or Ifraad and all Umrat-ul-Mufradah by those in Makkah. There is only one exception which was explained earlier under Rule 140.