The World Federation One Stop Fiqh

Duaas & Ziyarat

worried about marriage proposal

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 30/12/2019 - 15:21

I love a girl and my parents are also agree with me and her mother is also agree her father is died, but her mother is afraid of her husband brothers of giving rishta to us , please tell me wazifa or some way to solve this problem, beacuse her father brothers always fight with them on her irshta . … please help me


My mother is diagnosed with last stage of cancer,tell me some wazifa or duas for miraculously curing my mother

Submitted by Ash on Sat, 23/11/2019 - 20:24

My mother is diagnosed with last stage of cancer,My mother is diagnosed with last stage of cancer, initially i prayed n recited surah Rehman expecting a miracle to happen but unfortunately her reports were not clear then i stopped reciting n praying…my heart was not all willing to do it ..i got so dishearted i heard that surah rehman could cure cancer so this really upset me . I really need some …


Dua to save Marraige

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 06/11/2019 - 08:05

Asalaumailakum, is there any dua to make a husband & wife relationship strong and healthy, well its for my parents.


I’m facing a sudden change of atmosphere in my house.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 12/09/2019 - 01:44

Assalam-u alaikum. IM IN VERY URGENT NEED OF SOME GUIDANCE FOR THIS HARDSHIP I AM FACING ……I’m 21, I’m facing a sudden change of atmosphere in my house. I don’t have any siblings its just me and my parents. With the most slightest bits of disagreement they have a disastrous argument, where one and another physically assault eachother and have the most nastiest things to say, nauzubillah. I have never seen such …


Explain sermon 126 in Nahj al balagha.

Submitted by Mona on Fri, 06/09/2019 - 17:23

Would you please explain sermon 126 in Nahj al balagha.explain sermon 126 in Nahj al balagha.Who are the two catagories of people who will be ruined?Belong to the majority, who are the majority?Kill them even if they claim to be under the headband of mine?


Any special amal or ziyarat for good Exam result.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 21/08/2019 - 09:39

Assalamualaikum, my name is mehdi recently i got my 2 year engineering results in which i got detain means i have to sit 1 year but by applying for revaluation ( recheck) if i got promote in them then i can continue my studies this year only… pls tell any special amal or ziyarat for my revaluation exam results to be good i can continue my studies… tell me some amal or …


Dua for conceiving baby and to be more patient in life with all situations

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 02/08/2019 - 00:33

Asalamualikum,Please tell me which Dua to make for conceiving baby and what to do to be more patient in life with all situations


Dua for younger brother

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 26/07/2019 - 16:02

Assalam WalkmI have a younger brotherDuring childhood, he used to be very talkative, active and well-behaving later as he grew up and started going to college for graduation he is not at all talkative he doesn’t talk to me mother father or sister.he is not even going to the college just roaming with his friendsWe tried to give him counseling in every possible way. He is not at all interested in his studies.If we …


Is there any Kaffara / Sadqa for miscarriage.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 23/07/2019 - 19:40

Aoa I want to ask a question from Any Shia Alim.. Last year I went on zyaraat sham Iraq iran Alhmdulillah..i have 3 boys Mashallah.. I prayed on every Roza for my Daughter that Allah give us daughter this time…i also pray for my younger brother that may Allah bless him with Aulaad….at one Roza I don’t remember in Iraq or iran, I unintentionally, or u can say in deep emotions I …


I am facing complete failure and trouble in every aspect of life

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 18/07/2019 - 01:22

Aoa Since past two years, my life is complete disaster. I am 24 female I used to be brilliant student and have friends but from past two years I am university drop out. Lost all my friends, my parents try to get me married, but no success. No one likes me to be their wife,daughter in law as I have crooked teeth, dark complexion and I am fat,this has cause me so …