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Why do Muslims follow Muhammad who had sex with a 9 year old?


Q1- Why do muslims follow muhammad who is without doubt a child rapist pedophile who had sex with a 9 year old as non-muslim find this SICK!,no so called prophet of God would set such BAD morals at least Jesus was sinless who only spoke of love and peace.
Please don’t state Mary mother of Jesus was 12 years old when she gave birth to Jesus as there in not one mention of Mary’s age in the Bible.


Thank you for writing to us for clarification.

It is good to see someone writing but instead of questioning you have started bombarding with the ambiguities which are not even clear for yourself.

I will answer your doubt which has been asked due to ignorance of Islam and History of Islam and I hope it will be clear enough once you read about it being non biased. Belonging to Christianity doesn’t mean to attack another religion without learning about it but I appreciate you have come to the right place to get the answer.

There are different sects in Islam amongst which Sunni is one of the famous ones. Some Sunni sources said Ayesha’s(wife of Prophet) age was 6, 7 or 9 years which is not true.  According to the Sunni sources, Ayesha had a sister who was 10 years older than her and in the Sunni sources itself, her sister was 27 years old in the first year of Hijri. And since,  Ayesha was 10 years younger than her sister, and her marriage with the Prophet(s.a.w.w) was in the second year of Hijri(Islamic Calendar), and according to some in the 4th Hijri. Therefore, Ayesha was 17 years old at the time of marriage, and if we accept the fourth year, she was 21 years old. This is clearly understood by looking at history but as many Sunnis try to prove she was 9 that is why it has become famous that Ayesha was 9 at the time of marriage which is incorrect and proven by the history.

If they say that Ayesha married the Prophet at the age of 9, this marriage was in the year 2 Hijri, which is 15 years after Islam, then how could Ayesha be one of the first women who just turned 9 years old in the year 2 Hijri?
People don’t have answer for this.

I will send you the references where you can clearly find the reality.

1) الطبرانی، سلیمان بن احمد بن ایوب ابوالقاسم، المعجم الکبیر، ج24، ص77، مکتبه الزهرا، الموصل، 1404هـ.

2) ابن عساکر الدمشقی الشافعی، ابی القاسم علی بن الحسن ابن هبه الله بن عبدالله، تاریخ مدینه دمشق و ذکر فضلها و تسمیه من حلها من الأماثل، ج69، ص9، دالفکر، بیروت، 1995م.

3) الجزری، عزالدین بن الاثیر ابن الحسن علی بن محمد، أسد الغابه فی معرفه الصحابه، ج7، ص11، دارإحیا، التراث العربی، بیروت، لبنان، الطبعه الاولی، 1417هـ.

4) النووی، ابوزکریا یحیی بن شرف بن مری، تهذیب الاسما و اللغات، ج2، ص598، دارالنشر: دارالفکر، بیروت، 1996م.

5) الهیثمی، ابوالحسن علی بن ابی بکر، مجمع الزوائد و منبع الفوائد، ج9، ص260، دارالریان للتراث، القاهره، 1407هـ.

6) العسقلانی الشافعی، احمدبن علی بن حجر ابوالفضل، تقریب التهذیب، ج1، ص743، دارالرشید، سوریا، الطبعه الاولی، 1406هـ.

Hence, the accusation and bad words for one of the Prophets of God should be taken back. And one must try to learn who was the last Prophet of God. We believe in Prophet Jesus as he was one of the 124,000 Prophets sent by The Almighty.

Instead of having an accusing tone, I would recommend you to read about Islam and Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w.w) to know about his character and then see if your question really applies to the great personality of Prophet Muhammad.

Please read the book “The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History” by  Michael H. Hart, an American astrophysicist, author, amateur historian, researcher, and white separatist.

The first person on Hart’s list is the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Hart asserted that Muhammad was “supremely successful” in both the religious and secular realms, being responsible for both the foundations of Islam as well as the Early Muslim conquests uniting the Arabian Peninsula and eventually a wider caliphate after his death. Hart also believed that Muhammad played an unusually singular and personal role in the development of Islam.

God forbid if your accusation was correct, would the Christian author select Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) to be the first one in the most influential persons in history?


I will mention some of the books you can read to learn more about Prophet Muhammad

Feel free to get back to us for any other ambiguity.

May Allah(swt) grant you success

Syed Haider