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What should we do if we found someones property.


Salam n stay blessed.
I wanted to know that if we found something and we don’t know who’s this belongs to,what we have to do with that.

secondly that if it is money like 3 hundred or 3 thousand. What should be done?
Kindly explain


Wa Alaykumussalam

Thank you for your question.

There can be 2 scenarios once a thing/property is found:

  1. Either you know the owner to whom that money belongs
  2. Or you do not know the owner.

In the latter case, you must return the money etc. to the owner.

Found property according to Ayatullah al-Udhma Sayyid Ali Sistany:

Ruling 2582. If a person finds some property, other than an animal, and the property does not possess any identifying features by which the owner can be known – irrespective of whether or not its value is less than one dirham (12.6 nukhud(1) of minted silver) – he can take the property for himself. However, the recommended precaution (al-ihtiyāt al-mustahabb) is that he should give it to the poor (fuqarā) as alms (Sadaqah) on behalf of the owner. This is also the case with money that does not bear any signs [as to whom it belongs]; however, if the amount and the particulars of the time and place [where it was found] give an indication, then the person must announce it, as will be explained in the next ruling (mas’alah).

Ruling 2583. If a person finds some property that possesses ident­ifying features by which the owner can be known, then even if he knows that the owner is a disbeliever (kāfir) whose property is inviolable, he must announce it in a public place for one year from the day he found it if its value is one dirham or more. But if its value is less than one dirham, then based on obligatory precaution (al-ihtiyāt al-wājib) he must give it to the poor as alms on behalf of the owner. If the owner is found [after the property has been given as alms], in the event that the owner does not consent to him having given the property to the poor as alms, he must replace it.

Ruling 2584. If a person does not wish to make an announcement [about finding some property] himself, he can ask someone else whom he trusts to make the announcement on his behalf.

Ruling 2585. If a person makes an announcement for one year and the owner of the property is not found, then in case the property was found in a place other than the sacred precinct (Haram) of Mecca, he can safeguard it for the owner [with the intention of] returning it to him whenever he is found. During this period, there is no problem in him using the property while looking after it. Alternatively, he can give it to the poor as alms on behalf of the owner. The obligatory precaution is that he must not take it for himself. If the property is found in the sacred precinct of Mecca, the obligatory precaution is that he must give it to the poor as alms on behalf of its owner.

Ruling 2586. If after a person has made an announcement for one year but the owner is not found and the finder safeguards the property for the owner but it is destroyed nonetheless, in the event that he was not negligent in safeguarding it and did not transgress – i.e. he was not excessive – he is not responsible (dāmin). However, if he has given it to the poor as alms on behalf of the owner [and afterwards the owner is found], the owner can choose to consent to the act of charity or claim for the item to be replaced; if he chooses the latter, the reward for the act of charity will belong to the person who gave the alms.

Ruling 2587. If a person who finds some property intentionally (ʿamdan) does not announce it as per the instructions that were mentioned, he will have committed a sin. And in the event that he deems it probable that announcing it will be beneficial, it is still obligatory (wājib) on him to announce it.

May Allah(swt) grant you success


Syed Haider