The World Federation One Stop Fiqh

Ask an Alim

Wazifa to convince my parents to allow me to go on a trip.


I want to go on a trip but my parents won’t agree, can you please tell me a wazifa to make my parents agree to let me go on that trip.


Waalykum salam

Thank you for your question
Pls refer to the link below. The duas are from Imam Sajjad (as) and they are very powerful. They bond you with Allah swt in a Way that will relieve you off your worries and solve your problems

Land of lovers -An Exposition on the Sahifa | Whispered prayers -Munajats: Sahifa Sajjadia format Arabic & Translation line ‘below’ line – PDF | format | ‘Academy of Learning islam’- Arabic & 2 eng translations Translation only zip Pdf | Transliteration only | Urdu | Hindi | Tamil | Bengali | Gujarati: Videos 1 new | Videos 2
Pleasechoose the titles that best describe your situation and recite them.
Set aside some charity and InshaAllah your Problem will be solved.
AAA team.