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using toothpaste in ramzan


toothpaste in ramzan i am using synsodyne with no or little smell in mecca i was told that if toothpaste has no smell u can use it


Bismillah ArRahman ArRaheem

 As Salaam Alaykum
Assuming you are referring to toothpaste which comes in a variety of formulas some with ingredients to give the taste of “mint” or “extra fresh”.
There is no problem in using flavored toothpaste in Mecca, or any other city!

If you are fasting – it is not recommended and must not go down the throat.

Washing the teeth with brush and toothpaste does not invalidate the fast as long as the person does not swallow the saliva that has mixed with the toothpaste. However, the lingering flavour or taste of the paste that mixes with the saliva does not affect the fasting.

However it is also makrooh/not recommended to brush your teeth with a wet brush.
If you are in the state of Ihram, perfume it is forbidden. 
See below from Syed SIstani’s website:


8. Use of Perfume
Rule 237: It is forbidden for a person, in ihram, to use perfume, be it by way of wearing, smelling, applying, or eating it. Not permissible, too, is wearing any garment that had come into contact with it. By perfume we mean every substance intended for one’s body, clothes, and food, such as musk, oud, waras, amber, saffron and the like. However, it is evident that, one must also refrain from all kinds of scent and perfume, like rose and jasmine. There is one exception, though, which is ‘Khalooq-ul-Ka’ba’, which is extracted from saffron and other materials, and is applied on the Holy Ka’ba.
Rule 238: It is not forbidden for a pilgrim in a state of ihram to smell sweet plants, be they used for perfumes, such as jasmine, or others. fragrant wild flowers, such as wormwood, are apparently exempt.Fruits which have a scent in them, like apples and quinces, one must refrain from smelling them while eating them, as a matter of precaution. The same applies to aromatic oils; it is permissible to use for food the edible ones among them, yet it is advisable not to smell the aroma while eating them, as a matter of ihtiyat.
Rule 239: A pilgrim in a state of ihram, performing sa’y does not have to hold his nose in a bid to avoid smelling the aroma which may exude from a vendor of perfumery. However, he must do so in situations other than this. Khalooq-ul-Ka’ba is exempt.
Rule 240: If a person, in ihram, deliberately consumes an item of perfumery, or wears clothes that have traces of scent on them, he should, as a matter of obligatory precaution (al ahwat luzuman [wujuban]), bear a kaffarah of a sheep. There is no kaffarah for using perfume in situations other than those discussed, although, as a matter of precaution, one must pay the penalty.
Rule 241: It is forbidden for a pilgrim, in the state of ihram, to close his nose to bad smell, although there is no objection to moving away quickly from the smell.