The World Federation One Stop Fiqh

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Should I stop my kids from watching movies on Mermaids?


Salam,for some work I was looking through wikipedia on information about
mermaids and it says this:”A mermaid is a legendary aquatic creature …
The first stories appeared in ancient Assyria, in which the goddess Atargatis transformed herself into a mermaid out of shame…” You can check the page. Does this mean I should stop anything related with mermaids, and stop kids from watching movies about mermaids for example?


Al-Salam Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah
Thank you for your question.

It is not Haram to watch this kind of a Movie. However, you should assess the situation in your family and if it has a negative effect on your child, do not let them watch these stories. keep in mind, that you can remind them this is fiction and a lie. Just take the positive points and know all the things you see are not suited to your culture and lifestyle as Muslims, even though every story can teach positive and negative things.
Besides that it is wise to know and understand, as parents, that all of these movies have subliminal messages hidden in them. you Should be sure if you want your children to have and receive these sort of messages.

best regards
AAA team under the guidance of Sayyid Madani