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Shia Scholar Arguments regarding Christianity



I hope you are in good health.

My name is Nayyar Abbas, and I am a Shia Muslim from Pakistan. I have been studying the Bible with two American Christians since 2022. Last month, they asked me to confess and become a Christian. However, I told them that I found grievous, irrational tenets in Christianity. They asked me to bring evidence for my claims. We met online every Saturday, and last Saturday, I raised some objections. In our next meet-up on Saturday, they asked me to bring evidence on the divinity of Hazarat Issa. I need your guidance. I am also doing my research; however, I believe your expert opinion is more valuable. I need a Shia-Islamic rational argument on the Prophethood of Hazrat Issa. As Christians think he is God in human form, how can I tell them that he is just a prophet like others?
Please reach out to me as soon as possible.
Thank you and Jazakallah


Salam Alaykum
Thank you for your question.

This is why the Quran tells us not to get involved in discussions about religion if we do not have enough knowledge. This topic must be discussed in detail and see how strong they are in philosophy and history to give an understandable answer to them. Anyway, as I don’t know the details of your discussion, I can only provide very general answers.

God can not be a physical being, because a material physical being has its limitations and God can not be limited! Limitation is equal to need and God cannot be needy.  Also, as the Quran tells us and, as the Christians believe too, that Jesus can die, then how he can be God?! Also, as Quran say, “Jesus was a word given to Mary”  and bible say, “Jesus is the Word, ”  and in another chapter, it says “Word was with god” How is it possible that there are two gods then? or how is it possible that two things are one thing?! It is not rational. If you say it was a part and god has two parts, then it means it has limitations (it will need a third being to assemble the two parts in the first place to make them one?!!) and God, i this case will need his parts. So, he can not be a “god”

But about the prophethood of Prophet Issa, in the Old Testament prophet Moses gave the tidings that he would come. He also announced his miraculous birth and his miracles are the best proof of his prophethood. If the Christians argue that he is God because he has no father, then Adam and Eve too didn’t have a father, so are they gods too?

the other problem with Christianity is that unfortunately, it got misinterpreted by Paul. He never met Prophet Jesus and never learned his teaching but he fought with his true followers and disciples Peter and others. It is a very obvious historical fact for those who studied the history of Christianity that the teachings of Paul are against the teachings of Jesus and nowadays Christians are following the teachings of Paul. Also, they do not have access to the original bible and it is another problem for following prophet Jesus. for further information, you can read “The Bible: A Historical and Literary Introduction,”  by Bart d. Ehrman.

Please for such discussion first start strong and deep research in your religion and build up your knowledge about your religion, then start such scholarly discussion, so you do not fall in doubt. This discussion must be precise and for each question in this field there are many books to answer them because for each answer you give they start a new discussion and solving each of these questions you must have philosophical, historical and theological information.

Best regards!
Sayyid Madani