The World Federation One Stop Fiqh

Ask an Alim

share pictures on social salon account


As-salamu alaykum
1. Is it halal do colour/cut hair or do makeup on women that are not wearing the hijab (non muslim or muslim).

2. Is it halal to share pictures on social salon account of women that i do hair colour on that don’t wear hijab hiding their identity to advertise your work, as social media is where 90% of my clients are?


Walaykum Assalam

1. Yes it is permissible colour/cut hair or do makeup on women that are not wearing the hijab (non muslim or muslim).
2. Yes it is permissible to share pictures on social salon account of women that you do hair colour on that don’t wear hijab – as long as it is not posted using provocative means or poses.

If the hairdresser is a female…

1. Yes it is permissible colour/cut hair or do makeup on women that are not wearing the hijab (non muslim or muslim).
2. Yes it is permissible to share pictures on social salon accounts of women that you do hair colour on that don’t wear hijab – as long as it is not posted using provocative means or poses.

If the hairdresser is male, there is a problem in that physical contact between opposite genders that are non mahrams is forbidden.

SayyidSamer Hakim