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I made promise that I will give goat as sadaqa, Can i give money instead ?


I made promise that when my son get a job I will give goat as sadaqa now can I give the price of goat money to my sister as she is widow and don’t have much money JAZAAK ALLHA


Wa Alaykumussalam

I am happy to see you are careful for your Islamic duties.

In Islam, promise, vow, covenant and oath are the things which become obligatory and incumbent on the individual to fulfill ONLY if the particular words(formula) are uttered from mouth in Arabic or in any other language.

A vow is when a person makes it obligatory (wājib) on himself for the sake of Allah to perform a good deed or to refrain from doing something that is better not to do.

The Arabic words are as follows:

As with a vow, a formula must be said in a covenant. For example, a person says, ‘I make a covenant with Allah to do such and such act.’

لِلهِ عَلَیَّ – For sake of Allah, It is upon me…… (you can mention the intention instead of the brackets)

For example: لِلهِ عَلَیَّ اَنْ اُصَلِّی صَلَاةَ اللَّیل – For sake of Allah, it is upon me to pray Salatul Layl

لِلهِ عَلَیَّ اَنْ اَتْرُکَ الْغیْبَة – For sake of Allah, it is upon me to leave backbiting

Some of the other points to be considered in this case are as follows:

1) One should perform vow(Nadhr), covenant(ʿAhd) for the Halal thing or leaving the Haram thing. E.g vow(Nadhr) or covenant(ʿAhd) that if the wish fulfills then I will fast or pray Salat OR if my wish fulfills the I will leave the Haram deed. It can’t be done to do the Haram deed which means I can’t make a vow(Nadhr) or covenant(ʿAhd) that if my wish fulfills then I will backbite.

2) If the words are pronounced correctly in Arabic or any other language(giving the same meaning of the Arabic Formula), then it will be compulsory(Wajib) on the person to act according to it and can’t go against it. If a person does not fulfil his covenant, he will have committed a sin and must give kaffārah.

3) A person who makes a vow must be of the age of legal responsibility (bāligh), and sane (ʿāqil). He must also make the vow of his own volition (ikhtiyār) and have the intention (qaṣd) to make it.

So, if you haven’t pronounced the words which makes the vow(Nadhr) or covenant(ʿAhd) Wajib, then it is not compulsory to fulfill it but you can always help by giving money.

In regards to the oath, it must be sworn by one of those names of the Almighty Allah which are exclusively used for Him, (e.g. ‘Allah’).

If those particular words(formula) for vow(Nadhr), covenant(Ahd) and oath(Qasam) are not pronounced then it is not Wajib to fulfill. But if it is pronounced and not fulfilled then there is Kaffarah for that.

In your case, as you haven’t pronounced the formula so it is not wajib on you to fulfill and give the goat. Instead of goat, you can give money, shelter or anything as the goat has never become wajib on you to give to your sister since the formula wasn’t pronounced that makes it wajib.

If those particular words(formula) for vow(Nadhr), covenant(Ahd) and oath(Qasam) are not pronounced then it is not Wajib to fulfill. But if it is pronounced and not fulfilled then there is Kaffarah for that.

In your case, as you haven’t pronounced the formula so it is not wajib on you to fulfill and give the goat. Instead of goat, you can give money, shelter or anything as the goat has never become wajib on you to give to your sister since the formula wasn’t pronounced that makes it wajib.

I hope this will be clear In sha’ Allah.

To know more about these things I am adding some rulings below.

There are 3 things:

Oath (Qasam)

All the below rulings are according to Ayatullah al-Udhma Sayyid Ali Sistany.

Please go through the rulings regarding vow(Nadhr) and covenant(Ahd):

Ruling 2658. In a vow, a formula (ṣīghah) must be said. It is not necessary that the formula be said in Arabic; therefore, if a person says [in English, for example], ‘Should such and such sick person get better, it is incumbent upon me to give £100 to a poor person (faqīr) for the sake of Allah’, his vow is valid (ṣaḥīḥ). And if he says, ‘For the sake of Allah I vow to do such and such a thing’, then based on obligatory precaution (al-iḥtiyāṭ al-wājib) he must do that thing. However, if he does not mention the name of Allah and only says, ‘I make a vow’, or, if he mentions the name of one of the Friends (awliyāʾ) of Allah, the vow is not valid. If a vow is valid and a mukallaf intentionally (ʿamdan) does not act according to it, he will have committed a sin and he must give recompense (kaffārah). The kaffārah for not fulfilling one’s vow is the same as the kaffārah for not fulfilling one’s oath (qasam).

The Kaffarah is mentioned in the ruling 2687 regarding Oath which is as follows:

Ruling 2687. If a person takes an oath to do something or to refrain from doing something – for example, he takes an oath to keep a fast or to stop smoking – then in the event that he intentionally (ʿamdan) does not fulfil his oath, he will have committed a sin and he must give recompense (kaffārah). That is, he must either free a slave, or feed ten poor people (fuqarāʾ), or clothe them. And if he cannot do any of these, he must fast for three consecutive days.

Ruling 2671. If a person volitionally does not fulfil his vow, he must give kaffārah.

Regarding the covenant, the kaffarah is as follows:

Ruling 2686. If a person does not fulfil his covenant, he will have committed a sin and must give kaffārah. The kaffārah is either feeding sixty poor people, or fasting two consecutive months, or freeing a slave.

To read rulings in detail about vow(Nadhr) and covenant(ʿAhd) and oath according to Ayatullah al-Udhma Sayyid Ali Sistany please visit:

May Allah swt give us Tawfiq to fulfill our promises.


Syed Haider