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Ask an Alim

Obsessive Doubts In Obligatory Acts


I have been experiencing obsessive doubts and thoughts about the correctness of obligatory acts as well as in the issues of Najasa and Taharah. Whenever I intend to do something for Allah like Salah or Wudu, I have obsessive thoughts that I am doing Riya or showoff. When I stand for obligatory prayers, after making the intention, while raising the hands for Takbiratul Ihram, I feel like my body is not at rest and is moving involuntary which leads me to think that the Takbiratul Ihram I said was incorrect as my body moved so I repeat it again and again, and a lot of time is consumed consequently.
Should I completely ignore all these doubts and just perform the obligatory acts once no matter how much doubts I get?


In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful.
Wa-Alaykum Assalam Wa Rahmtu-Allah,

1. ” I feel like my body is not at rest and is moving involuntary which leads me to think that the Takbiratul Ihram I said was incorrect as my body moved ” – You need to ignore this doubt… This slight involuntary movement is normal and will not invalidate your prayer.
2. ” I have obsessive thoughts that I am doing Riya or showoff.” – Also ignore these on continue on with the task – renewing your intention for you worship to be only for Allah SWT… the intention does not have to be verbalised or even to cross your heart! Just continue for the sake of Allah SWT.
3. “Should I completely ignore all these doubts” Yes.

S.L. Al-Hakim
