The World Federation One Stop Fiqh

Ask an Alim

I joked with my wife saying I Divorce you……


Yesterday I was joking around with my wife and was re enacting a movie scene where I said I divorce you multiple times to her. This was a complete joke with no meaning as we were not fighting and we don’t have any marriage problems. I know I have a very bad sense of humour.

I am Shia and according to the fiqh this means nothing and triple divorce is Bidah. My wife is Sunni and she has become very concerned that what if divorce occurred. What is your Islamic opinion on this situation?

Walikum Salam

Thank you for your Question

The following is according to the Shia sect.
For a divorce to be correct, it has to have the following conditions:
1- You have to have two believing adults as your witness
2- The woman has to be clean of her menstrual period and also shouldn’t be pregnant
3- Proper Arabic words need to be uttered for the act to take place.
Best wishes