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My spouse and her parents are demanding alot. What should I do?


Asalam Sir,
Sir I want your help and Guidance. I belong to a very simple and straight forward  family.I am Government  employee(Engineer).
I got married to someone who is also a Shia. It was arranged Independently because her parents were not interested in me. After all when we got married her parents accepted me and said we will take our daughter back and we promise that after some years we will send her back with all happiness and respect.
Sir three years have passed, Now She and her  parents say we will accept you if you meet the following conditions
(1) If you will buy a house in her name in Islamabad
2)30 tola gold.
3)Wait till 5 years more until she finishes her Studies in China.

I am just an employee but they are demanding too much.
She stays with her parents but  says that I should pay for everything. My question is that.
What Islam says, if she isn’t with me she doesn’t want to come then What should I do? I really love her,  On every occasion I gave her everything but now . I am worried.
Sir what I should do?


Waalaykum salam brother.

I’m sorry to hear about your situation.

The office of Sayyid Sistani replied to your Question in the following manner

a) lf the marriage was without the consent of the father of the girl,
while she was a virgin, the entire marriage is void I.e. Batil. Hence you have no obligation to pay for her living

b) If the marriage was with the consent of the father, in that case too:

1- You are not obliged to surrender to her condition. If they were made during the Nikah and part of the contract then yes, you were obliged to.
But their conditions have no such bases at the moment, and you can choose not to comply to them.

2- One of the major condition for a man is to pay the living for his wife (nafaqah) is ‘tamkin’ I.e. her obedience to fulfil your needs. Since in your case it’s not met with, you are free from paying her nafaqah.

I pray your issues are resolved InshaAllah
