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Is it ok to claim a phone for company use in this way.


Assalam Alaikum Wrwb,

I am working for a construction company since 2006.
At present my position is as Management.
Our higher management (especially finance manager) are said to be involved in extracting money from company profits by presenting false payment receipts etc. One of my seniors keeps telling me about some or the other new cheating happened recently. It looks like no body is interested in benefiting the workers. Salaries for the workers has not been increased since 2-3 years (earlier we had yearly increments). Even they are implementing Government Taxes to lower management (like me) but getting approved for themselves. They gamble and buy new iphones for themselves and their wives (who is not entitled) without letting the company know, etc, etc.
My senior who is the Orderer for me, under whom I directly work and report always keeps reminding me about the hard work that we did to raise the company as we are directly involved in production. Non of the other staff has to do as hard work as we did. Still they are compensated more as they are involved in supporting the higher management to gamble and cheat.

One day, my senior told me after completion of a very significant project, that the project was only few saudi riyals and we doubled the profit by convincing the client to add up the other scope of works to existing scope. We really did hard work to sum up the miscellaneous job profits etc as it was the job of Estimation department and Accounts (we do not have extra staff for estimation and accounts). Why are we not eligible for recognition from our management? Why are we not eligible for bonus or gift atleast?

He told me that he is my boss and he approves an iPhone for me. But the fact is that, the invoice for phones cannot be approved legally. So instead of an invoice for iPhone, we shall present some other invoices claiming facilities for our Site office (like drinks and food etc)

Is it ok to claim a phone for company use in this way.
Or it is better to leave the company as they do not appreciate the efforts and only keep us over loaded?



Wa Alaikum al-Salam Brother Atik

Thank you for your question.

For every claim you need to have 100% solid prove. We can not relay on “It is said”! And also, the habit of spreading news about one another is not recommended and from the referents of “Mufsidina fi al-Ardh” Spreading of evil on earth! Salaries of the worker, taxes involved and increment of the payment is different matter altogether and it has its own way of tackling the matter. Also corruption is not accepted in any circumstance!

As per your writing this Phone is not in appropriate manner.

Iltimase Dua.
