The World Federation One Stop Fiqh

Ask an Alim

Impurity and waswasa


Assalamualaikum. I have a question which I hope you can answer. Today I did ghusl for wet dream, the mani had dried up on my privates and testicles. When I went in the shower, I did one quick rinse no touching, soaped my privates down and then washed my privates again. When washing the second time, I scrubbed my private itself but not my testicles. I washed the soap off my privates (including the testicles) and also washed my privates once more. After coming out, I touched my testicles and it felt kind of slippery as if the mani was still there. I smelt my hand which also distinctly smelt of mani. Does this mean the mani is still there? Is it because I didn’t scrub that part even though I soaped it and washed it? Can you answer asap please as i have waswasa and i am worried that impurity has spread. I just need to know, was the impurity removed through rinsing, soaping and washing? Or is scrubbing necessary?


Wa Alaykumussalam

Thank you for your question

As you mentioned waswas, if you are a person who usually has waswas then this was your waswas and you shouldn’t worry about it rather consider it Paak but if you are not waswas then follow as mentioned below.

Touching is not compulsory as far as the A’yne najasat is removed. If you had soaped and washed it properly and you are sure that the sperm has been removed from all over your body then it is considered Paak. If you had urinated before Ghusl and after Ghusl the liquid had come out, that would be considered as Paak. But if you are not certain that the najasat was removed before Ghusl or not, then it is considered Najis as the sperm would prevent the water to reach the body and hence make the ghusl Batil(void) as well, which means the Ghusl should be repeated again.

But we insist, in your case, where you doubt and worry excessively, you are paak. and you do not need to pay attention to anything else.

May Allah(swt) grant you success


Syed Haider