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I have a masturbation and porn addiction


I can’t stop masturbating. I’m 14 in a half and have been masturbating for as long as I can remember since I was maybe even 4. I can’t stop. I do it every day and it makes me weak and I can’t concentrate. I also watch porn. I can’t stop. I know it’s haram but my urges control me. It has become an addiction. My private part has spots on the top due to this and my Imaan is being weakened. My classmate somehow realised that I had this problem even though I never told him. He said he can see through people and knows I do it and told me to stop but it’s just so hard. He said if your hand shakes and you have some spots around your neck as well as a bad posture these are signs your doing it. He actually saw right through me. Plz I need help to overcome this act as it is destroying me. Inshallah with allahs guidance I can overcome this addiction


Alikum Salam

Thank You for your question.

Please refer the following link for your Answer: Addicted to masturbation and Pornography


With thanks and regards,
Ask An Alim Team.