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I entered in a job with making of some artificial certificate


I m from India, I have been working for two years in Sharjah, i entered in a job with the making of some artificial certificate, actually, its doesn’t need because I have the minimum qualification to enter that particular job. it was by mistake, I didn’t care… about that when I am making the certificate. now I am getting very attractive salary.. but I am afraid of Allah now… what can I do…. ? if I revealed my mistakes here they will punish and put me in jail, I think….. can u give me a solution for me? I made an experience certificate and one diploma certificate. it’s not required here…

Waalykum salam 
Thank you for your Question
If, as you said, the certificate is not mandatory for securing your job then your income is halal.

However, we should be careful not to lie. For Allah despises those who lie and has promised a follow up on the day of judgement.

Kind regards
