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I don’t understand the reason behind wearing the Hijab


Asalamun Alaykom, firstly I wish that our fasts and prayers all are valid to God swt and that we all find inner peace and become a better Muslim. – So I’m a 15 year old student girl. I am shia alhamdullilah and is religious, despite that my cousins for example from Iran turned to extreme unbelievers ever since they sat foot in the western side, but I’ve always been me. I have been to Karbala and Najaf and other holy cities in 2017 – best year of my life and I am currently begging my parents to come with them this Christmas. I’ve been wearing the hijab since I was 8 years old!! 8 year old little girl can’t even look up over the table. My own dad told me that I was so committed to it and loved it. Although recently I’ve just been very distant from it. Not that my Iman is weakened or lowered. I always take with my parents to mosque because they are dedicated and help a lot and are best friends with the Imam. I’ve read the Quran in Arabic nearly 4 times and I’m soon finished. I feel horribly bad whenever I do something bad if I miss one salah or so on.. As my mother said it’s all about if you’re pure from the inside, if your inner you are calm and faithful. But I am still frightened by the reaction from my parents and society. I’ve just worn it for so long and I don’t really feel the real message behind it. You should wear the hijab for Allah, only Allah. I wore it just to fit in. I am scared that my parents will not look at me the same, because I’m not gonna change. Never. I’ll still be the same Muslim girl trying to always do her very best. I am scared of what my parents’ friends will say. They’re ALL religious but don’t know what their kids does. I just need guidance from You. May god help me honestly. Also I’m not doing it to look attractive at all! I’m doing this because I’m not going to base my relationship with God on fear but solid love. I’m not going to wear something that makes no sense to me. I prefer not wearing a scarf on my head (still wear something respectable) and still be a good Muslim that wearing something I don’t like and be a bad Muslim. I want to become a judge, and hijab is not allowed. I don’t know what to do because you’re not allowed to wear something visible that symbolize something. May Allah guide each one of us confused mu’mineen and mu’minaat. I seek help. Sorry this is long, i’d like to get answers as soon as possible. Best regards, M


Waalykum salam my dear sister 

Thank you for your Question
I must applaud you for your faith and steadfastness on your your belief.
Since you’re so young, I’d suggest you go through an intensive course on Aqaid.
Your concerns and queries are all rising from the deficiency and lack of the same. This will help you make firm decisions and also help your thoughts to fall in place.
I’d like to bring to your kind attention a few things that I was able to extract from your writing:
1- not all people are necessarily connected to God if they came from a Religious country like say Iran!
Rather, HIS love will only really illuminate in the hearts that really have the capacity to hold it! So let not someone else’s choices effect ours!
2- The same Allah that you love so dearly has chosen a code of dress for you. If one believes HIM to be so complete and fit to worship, then how can the same doubt HIS wisdom into choosing for his creation!? He ordained hijab for women because that’s what gives them their place and respect in the society!
Moreover, since we are encased in our physical bodies, Allah made a good fusion between the two to show the effect of one on the other. Like you have to physically make wudhoo to be able to pray, or physically stay hungry and thirsty to be able to fast, etc
In the same manner, like a wedding band does not make any sense on wearing it but still symbolizes love and belongingness, Hijab would do the same and symbolize love and belongingness to this Master who is the most kind, loving and wise.
3- according to the Islamic law, women are not allowed to be judges in court of law. You may want to seek further assistance and guidance from you local scholar in this regard

Kind regards,

Naajiya Jaffery