The World Federation One Stop Fiqh

Ask an Alim

How do I end this haram relationship and focus on shariah.


Assalamualaikum.. I am in relationship with a girl but recently i made up my mind to leave this haram relationship.But it’s wrong to leave a girl in this situation without a reason, if i leave her and break her heart in this situation how will Allah forgive me.. If there is any solution by which both us come to an agreement… Please help me to end this haram relationship and focus on shariah, and provide a solution so that we don’t face much problem..


Wa Alaykumussalam

Thank you for your query.

A relationship with a non-mahram without Nikah is Haram. If you think you will break her heart by breaking up, then what do you think if you keep having the haram relationship, will Allah like or dislike? Therefore, Haram relationship is always disliked by Allah(swt). The solution to make it halal is to get married which Shariah recommends and has provided this halal contract to save from Haram relationship.

If you can’t marry the same girl then just stop having any sort of relationship with her for the sake of Allah and see how He opens the doors for you. You will have to stay firm in your decision and you will be able to stop it.

Pray five times a day, read Qur’an everyday even if little and then gradually start reading it’s translation and stay busy in Halal work so you don’t feel the urge of haram relationship.

May Allah(swt) grant you success


Syed Haider