The World Federation One Stop Fiqh

Ask an Alim

get rid of Bad thoughts


I have tried everything to deal with bad thoughts but i just cant never get rid of them.
As soon as i wake up they start coming to ruin my day and come to disturb me everywhere.
I have no control over them and sometimes i just leave stopping them and they just start flowing all over in my mind and i know its all wrong but i just have no control.
Kindly help me


Assalamu Alaykum

sorry to hear about your situation.
im not sure what thoughts you mean but I’ll post a few entries to help.

please remember, That whatever the bad thought is, there is always a solution and that you are much stronger than that.

1- please recite in plenty “la hawla wala quwata illa Billah al-Aliyil Adhim”

2- give charity and ask Allah for help

3- If you are thinking wrong of a good thing then the best way to rectify this will be to educate yourself on it and you will be able to help yourself get control over your thoughts InshaAllah.

kindly refer to the following links for your answer:


kind regards ,
