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Ask an Alim

Is there any space available for me for forgiveness by Allah ?


Dear Aalim,

i want to confess about a bad deed that i have been doing since past year. I want to say that i’m really tired and ashamed of myself now. What i want to say is that i have been doing illegal / haram s×x with prostitutes. I already knew it before doing the act, that it is gunah e kabeera in islam. But everytime i was unable to control my desire and had a s×x with someone. And then i would always regret it and would decide within my mind to not ever do this again. This cycle continued for so long time. sin – grief – again sin – again gried.

That doesnt mean that i have no aemaan / belief in islam or i dont follow my religion. I am not a 5 prayer muslim but i do try to pray as much as i can. I never miss friday prayer. Moreover i never do bad with people, i always try to be good with everyone including family.

All i want to say that i have only 1 fault in me which i knew, and that is this creepy habit of doing zina/ sex. I know that it is gunah e kabeera and i will be badly punished for it after this life.

All i want to ask is that, is there any space available for me for forgiveness by Allah ?
If i stop these bullshit sins, can Allah forgive me ?
or what should i do to make Allah forgive me ? i want to come towards right path.

Just want to know how i should seek his forgiveness ? and do i have to do some umrah, or hajj to make my soul clean ?

I know this seems to be very disturbing but i only came here because i want to be on right path.

Waiting for answer.

Thanks for reading


Assalamu Alaykum

Thank you for your Question

kindly refer to the following links for like questions


Repentance for zina

Therefore, do not loose hope. Allah is all merciful and extra merciful. Repent with the above mentioned conditions

I will suggest you don’t miss any prayers, because “prayers keeps one from evil and wrong” (surah Ankabut:45)

Kind regards,
N.S. Jaffery