The World Federation One Stop Fiqh

Ask an Alim

Children fasting?


What is your advice regarding the fast of children before the age of puberty? Is it something recommended?


Parents are not advised to ask their children to fast unless they consult doctors on this. Yes, they can ask their children to start a fast and break it whenever they feel it is appropriate to break the fast. It is reported from Imam Sadiq (as) saying: We ask our children to fast when they are of seven years to the extent they can fast. If they can fast till half of the day or more or less (we do that) and whenever they are thirsty, they break the fast. This is to develop a habit of fasting (when they grow). So ask your children to fast when they are of seven years to the extent they can bare it. When they give up for the continuation, they can break the fast. (Al Kafi vol 4 Pg 124)

 علي بن إبراهيم عن أبيه عن ابن أبي عمير عن حماد عن الحلبي عن أبي عبد الله ع‏ قال: إنا نأمر صبياننا بالصيام إذا كانوا بني سبع سنين بما أطاقوا من صيام اليوم فإن كان إلى نصف النهار و أكثر من ذلك‏ أو أقل فإذا غلبهم‏ العطش و الغرث أفطروا حتى يتعودوا الصوم و يطيقوه فمروا صبيانكم إذا كانوا أبناء تسع سنين بما أطاقوا من صيام فإذا غلبهم العطش أفطروا.

الکافی ج 4 ص 124

Shaykh Kumail Rajani