The World Federation One Stop Fiqh

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Can my wife employ the services of a male child minder (not a family)


Can my wife employ the services of a male child minder (not a family) in my absence? I currently work out of country and so my wife decided to get a childminder to live in our house, and she opted for a male, which i was opposed to.


Salamun Alaykum

Thank you for your query.

While there is no problem in having a male child minder.  but, living in the house with your wife entails further issues like having hijab on at all times, etc and would also cause a sense of insecurity if the gender of the child is different to the child minder.  (its worth keeping in mind that a child minder has to be an adult to be able to mind the child in the first place. Hence, having a non Mahram in the house, in that sense will become forbidden).

It’s best if a she child minder was brought instead. more so, because you’re unsecured about it.

Best wishes