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Are Salafis on the right path of Islam?


Asalaamu aleikum
Are so called Salafis on the right path of Islam?


Wa Alaikum al-salam

thanks for your question

The Arabic word “salaf” means predecessors. Salafism is a group that claims to follow the early Muslim generations, who were the predecessors of the later generations.

No, for many reasons in their Ideology and thoughts like:

  • Preferring Reveled Sources to Independent Reason, so some of their believes and actions doesn’t make sense
  • Literal-ism: they have a literal understanding of selected portion of religion text this made their believes to be literal and contradiction, For instance, interpreting God’s sitting on the Throne [based on Quran 20:5], they state that God literally has a throne on which He sits. Also, they understand the Qur’anic expression “God’s hand” [according to 48:10] to mean that God literally has a hand, while believing in Allah’s power and knowledge
  • Excommunication: Ibn Taymiyya regarded many Muslim groups and schools of thought as apostates. Philosophers, Batinis, Isma’ilis, Twelver Shiites, etc. even though all of these groups accept Allah swt, His Prophet, the Quran, same Qiblah. Some new Salafi groups, who are called Takfiri Salafis, expand the meaning and instances of unbelief and use this expansion as a pretext for murder and terrorist operations.

Salafis believe that the Qur’an and the tradition of the Prophet (s) are to be understood based on the interpretation of the Companions, the Followers, and the Followers of the Followers (tabiʿu al-tabiʿin). They do not regard independent reason as authoritative, and emphasize the Qur’an and hadiths as the only reliable sources of religious teachings.

According to the Salafi understanding of monotheism, many Muslims are polytheists.

Ibn Taymiyya, Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, Muhammad b. Abd al-Wahhab, Muhammad Shawkani, and Rashid Rida are among the main Salafi thinkers. The most well-known Salafi currents today are Wahhabism, the Society of the Muslim Brotherhood, and Deobandis.

Extremist groups, such as Taliban, al-Qa’ida, and ISIS, were formed based on Salafi beliefs. These groups considered many Muslims to be infidels who had to be killed.

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Sheikh Mahdi Mosayyebi