The World Federation One Stop Fiqh

Ask an Alim

Am I allowed to masturbate because of my situation?


For the last year or so, my husband cannot and doesn’t want to have sex. We’ve tried to be intimate but nothing seems to work. He is just not interested.
I on the other hand get frustrated as it’s my right to have my desires fulfilled.
Am I allowed to masturbate because of my situation?


Wa alaykum salam. Thank you for your question.

I’m sorry to hear about your situation,  may Allah help you.

Under no circumstances, masturbation is allowed in Islam.

But I’m sure there is a solution to your problem.

According to what you have written, I think your husband has a problem. Try and convince him  to see a doctor or a psychologist. You can ask a reliable family member or a friend to help you to convince him.

There is no doubt if you pray and have trust on Allah, things will get better.

Sukaina Taqavi