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Acceptance of being a life long bachelor.


As salamu alaikum. I’m 23 years old practising Muslim I try to follow Islamic rules but I don’t want to get married. I have no physical or mental problems I’m totally healthy and able to marry but I don’t like to be accompanied by a girl and I feels like I won’t be independent if I get married. Can I go to Jannah in the hereafter if I remain single in my this life????


Wa Alaykumussalam

Thank you for your query.

If you stay bachelor and do not indulge in sin then it is not Wajib on you to get married, but if you indulge in sins then it is wajib to marry.

It is very hard to control our nafs and stay away from Haram in these era but one can definitely, if he has control over his nafs and Haram desires.

Marital life is an innate need of every human being. Allah, the Almighty, has created a suitor for everyone. The Divine system allows human beings to find their partners themselves and spend their lives fulfilling the necessities of life. Allah, the Most High, has granted man superiority over all other creatures. Accordingly, the laws and issues of the married life of man are different from all other creatures.
Allah has greatly emphasized on marriage in the life of an individual. Holy Prophet (saww) has considered marriage among those traditions (sunnah) that “one who turns away from it is not a part of his nation”. Marriage has been regarded as “protection of half of faith” and “the prayers of a married person carry seventy times more reward”.

Marriage becomes wajib if a person falls in sins such as masturbation or having haram relation with non-mahram. How can a youth save himself from Haraam in this era whereas the faculty of sex has been given to be used in the Halaal way?

Allah (swt) has made the marriage, a strong bond between a husband and a wife to reach the proximity of Allah(swt). In order to reach those spiritual levels, husband and wife should have good relationship between themselves as they are referred as a “garment for each other” in the Holy Qur’an(Surah Baqarah/187).

I will quote some of the Ahadith regarding marriage.

The Prophet (saww) said:“No house has been built in Islam more beloved in the sight of Allah than through marriage.” 

On another occasion the Prophet (saww) said: “The best people of my nation (Ummat) are those who get married and have chosen their wives, and the worst people of my nation are those who have kept away from marriage and are passing their lives as bachelors.”

Imam ‘Ali (A.S.) exhorts: “Marry, because marriage is the tradition of the Prophet (saww).” The Prophet (S) also said, “Whosoever likes to follow my tradition, then he should know that marriage is from my tradition.” 

Please read more about marriage and its blessings. I will give two links here below:

Marital Life: Importance and Issues:

Sexual problems of youths:

Look at the positive sides of marriage, the peace and tranquility living with a life partner, the blessings and mercies of Allah(swt) in form of love and children, generation/progeny

You can definitely go to Jannah if you stay away from Haram, but if you don’t stay away from Haram by not marrying thinking that you will not be independent then this is disliked by Allah(swt).

May Allah(swt) grant you success


Syed Haider