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A detailed explanation about ayeh 53, Quranic verse


Salamu alaykum
I have a question about surah 53 verse 1. It says how the prophet received the revelation when the star sets. It goes on to say that Allah is the Lord of sirius in verse 49. Now the sirius star sets in late November and it follows the solar calender? So I’m confused as to why we follow the lunar calender? Can you please clear up this confusion with using proof from the quran only. since I’m talking about verses from the quran.
Jzk in advance


Wa Alaikum al-salam

thanks for your question

According to some tafaseer first part of this surah reveled on rejecting the accusasion that some of people had toward prophet (sawa) in order to show the words of the Prophet (sawa)  rise from neither personal desires nor social milieu

he merely imparts Divine Revelation.

About the reason for revelation of these Ayat

The late scholar, Saduq in his Amali narrates a tradition according to which the Prophet of Islam (sawa) turned to people after early and late evening prayers saying:

“A star (light) will descend upon the house of one of you at day break and the owner of the house will be my successor.”

All people were awaiting the descent at day break. Ibn ‘Abbas is quoted as saying that his father, the Noble Prophet’s paternal uncle, was most eager to see upon whose house the star will descend.

However, it descended upon the house of Imam ‘Ali (as) and the Noble Prophet (S) said:

“O ‘Ali! By Allah Who called me to Prophethood, it is certain that you will be my successor.”

Some hypocrites claimed that the Prophet (sawa) praised his cousin out of concupiscent desires when these blessed Verses were revealed to the Prophet (sawa).


Sirius or dog star is the brightest star in the night sky, which was believed to be the source of the scorching heat and droughts of midsummer. Hence from old times this star was worshiped (according to some discoveries in turkey, worshiping this star might go back to 11000 years ago) and that is why Allah (swt) mentions it in verse 49 to emphasize on worshiping the creator of this star, not the star.


The follwing of the lunar calendar or the beginning of the islamic calendar goes back to the time of second Caliph. In AH 17 (638 CE), Abu Musa Ashaari, one of the officials of the Caliph Umar in Basrah, complained about the absence of any years on the correspondence he received from Umar, making it difficult for him to determine which instructions were most recent. This report convinced Umar of the need to introduce an era for Muslims. based on Imam Ali as suggestion, he decided that the first year should be the year of prophet (saws)’s  arrival at Medina (known as Yathrib, before his arrival).



Sheikh Mahdi Mosayyebi